"Gold Medal in Chemistry" Award

XIV Edition

The goal of the contest is to award a prize to young researchers for the best bachelor or engineering thesis in chemistry and combinig chemistry with other disciplines: physics, material science, biology and medicine. The contest holders are the Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the DuPont Company. Honorary Patronage was taken by the Polish Chemical Society, Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Prof. Dr Maciej Żylicz, President of the Foundation for Polish Science.

„Chemistry belongs to a strong branch of polish science. It is therefore more important to support talented, young researchers, who contribute towards progress in this area even in the first, early years of their career. Foundation for Polish Sciences supports the best, so that they become even better. I expect that the researchers awarded in the "Gold Medal in Chemistry" contest will be also laureates of our projects, for example program START for the most talented young scientists”
prof. Maciej Żylicz

How to apply

Authors of bachelor/engineering thesis in chemistry (combining chemistry with physics, material science, biology, medicine etc.) executed (and defended) in Poland in academic year 2023/2024 are invited for application. Moreover, applications of citizens of Poland which theses were defended abroad (outside Poland) are also accepted in the contest. 

All application materials (with copy of the dissertation) must be submitted electronically via the registration/submission programme (registration/submission button) in the official website of the contest (www.zlotymedalchemii.pl). Official language for application is polish. However, submission in english will be also accepted. In this case Authors are kindly asked to contact us (zlotymedalchemii@ichf.edu.pl) for details.

The application should consist:
  • CV with academic record (and information about fellowships/awards, the applicant publications/conference contributions, patents if exist 
  • Bachelor/ Engineering Diploma (or official confirmation from the University) with list of scores (Europass or extract from the examination records);
  • Recomendation Letter from a Promotor; 
  • One page Summary of the Thesis;
  • Full text of the Thesis; 
  • Permission for use and processing of the personal data in the contest process (please contact us zlotymedalchemii@ichf.edu.pl to get more information).

All materials must be prepared and submitted in the form of two pdf files, which consist:
file 1: CV, Diploma, Recommendation Letter, Summary, Permission and the Applicant publications (if exist);
file 2: Thesis (full text).



Deadline for application 12 Oct 2024
Announcement of the short-list of finalists 7 Nov 2024
Oral presentations by all finalists 21 Nov 2024
Final announcement of winners 11 Dec 2024

All finalists will be invited to give short (10 mins) oral presentation concerning results described in their bachelor/engineering thesis. The session will be organized on Thursday 21st November, 2024.

The gala meeting with final announcement of winners and prize giving ceremony will be on Wednesday, 11th December, 2024



The winners receive "Medal in Chemistry" supported by the prize money:


Additionally, 4 cash-prizes by 1.500 PLN each and in-kind prizes for all finalists will be awarded.

The DuPont Company has also the right to give own awards. The evaluation criteria in this case are: publishing record of the applicant, practical importance of results described in the thesis, application of analytical methods and the applicant independence in the scientific work.

Moreover, the Institute of Physical Chemistry PAS in Warsaw will offer scientific internships for finalists with possibility to conduct their short and long-term projects in laboratories of the Institute. In special cases, for persons residing outside Warsaw, additional support for accommodation can be offered.



Judges of XIII edition

prof. dr hab. Stanisław Gwiazda, DuPont

prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Kaszkur, IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Włodzimierz Kutner, IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Marcin Opałło, IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Robert Nowakowski, IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Ryszard Ostaszewski, IChO PAN

prof. dr hab. Rafał Szmigielski, IChF PAN

dr hab. Anna Śrębowata, prof. IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Jacek Waluk, IChF PAN

prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Zakroczymski, IChF PAN
